The Impact of Donating

The best way to support children and youth in need is by supporting NGA!

Underwear Icon

Donate $25

Provides a child/youth with a week’s worth of new underwear.

Coat Icon

Donate $50

Provides a child/youth with a new winter coat.

Clothing Icon

Donate $100

Provides a child/youth 2 new shirts, 2 new pairs of jeans and a new fleece.

Clothes Rack Icon

Donate $500

Provides 3 new fleeces, 3 shirts and 3 pairs of jeans for 3 deserving kids.

Our Impact By-the-Numbers

Making a Difference at Scale

People Icon
People Served
in 2024
Clothing Icon
Items Distributed
in 2024
Schools Icon
Partner Schools
& Agencies
History Icon
Years of Service
Woman and children volunteering by carrying goods

“Your generosity is much appreciated. The families we serve have very low incomes.”

“They struggle with their daily expenses and it is wonderful to provide them with some relief by way of the new clothing and personal care items provided by NGA."

Julie Paslowski, MSW, LSW
Jefferson Lansdale Hospital Children's Clinic
Making an Impact

138 Years, 150 Million Articles of New Clothing

Other initiatives don’t address the underlying problem, offering used or ill-fitting clothes.

At NGA, we understand that giving kids new clothes is about the dignity and potential they bring.

Frequently Asked Questions

NGA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. All financial contributions are tax deductible. NGA is a small but mighty team. Due to the volume of emails we receive, we are unable to respond to each. If you have a question not answered below, please contact

What does NGA do?

The National Giving Alliance provides new clothes and essential items to displaced and low-income children, youth, and their families.

Access to new clothes, basic toiletries and other essentials is a human right, and should be a normal part of daily life for everyone, everywhere.

What does NGA mean?

NGA stands for National Giving Alliance. Prior to its name change in 2019, NGA stood for Needlework Guild of America in use since its founding in 1885.

Most people know NGA by its acronym, which is why when the name changed it was kept using the same three letters. The name may have changed, the mission remains the same.

How does NGA work?

NGA national office and its branches work with local partners. Our partners are school districts and non-profit human service agencies. With our local partners we provide them with everyday necessities including new clothes, toiletries, basic linens, and other essentials.

Each school district and agency registers annually with NGA. At this time, NGA works with a limited number of school districts and agencies.

Why does NGA only give new clothes?

NGA’s founder Laura Wood Stewart believed that “New Clothes Equalized, Used Clothes Pauperized”. Research proves what Laura felt to be true. Second-hand clothing reinforces a persons’ feelings of being inferior or unworthy of anything new. Their self-perception is like secondhand clothes, they are cast-offs. New clothes boost their self-esteem and self-confidence.

NGA only provides new clothes, new toiletries, new linens. Just New.

Why is there still a need, despite years of giving?

Many factors contribute to poverty: income inequality, unemployment, healthcare access, and education gaps. While progress has been made, children and youth still form the largest group living in poverty.NGA aids foster care youth and families in need, including the "working poor." These families work multiple jobs but struggle after covering essential expenses. Clothing becomes an unaffordable luxury.

Does giving new clothes make a difference?

Absolutely! Giving children and youth new clothes has a big impact. High-risk kids who receive new clothes attend school 70% more often. This boosts their chances of moving up grades and graduating high school.Consider this: high-risk elementary students miss about 12 extra school days. This hurts learning, leading to frustration and dropping out. Education is a key to a better life, and new clothes help kids attend school confidently, ready to learn.

Get in Contact

Clothing is a basic need, not a luxury. Contact our team to learn more about our work and to get involved in your community.

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Children sitting at a table together